Friday, October 25, 2013


We seem to collect so much Stuff through the years. Newspapers, cards, cloths, toys and so much more, all boxed up because of their memories and their history, their sentimental value and maybe their worth.

Stumbling on a box of old toys from my childhood, I remembered when kids actually played. Not video games or cell phone apps, but with simple toys and big imaginations. With little metal trucks and cars and fire engines, new adventures would take place everyday.

We look at the toys now, paint, faded with age and use, tires, worn but still intact. Some collect these miniature vehicles, refurbishing them with new coats of pain and new wheels to collect and sell for profit. Others keep them boxed up and hidden away to bring out from time to time to remember, to relive that simpler time of life.

I think it's time I took them out and displayed them for a while. To remember that little boy named Wynn, who spent hours moving mountains, putting out fires and fighting the enemy. Who created his own little world......... and played........

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